Children at St Mary’s
Children and their families are very welcome at St Mary’s. We recognise that children can become restless during the service, so we provide a Children’s Room near the main doors where little ones can play with simple toys, do some colouring, and look at books with a parent or carer. The service is relayed into the room, so parents can still listen and join in what’s going on.
We love having children in our services, and hope they will find the love of God here. There is a room at the back of church with a few toys and books for your use, if children are feeling restless. Our Little Lambs Sunday School and Creche is in session on the First and Third Sundays of the month in term time.
Once or twice a term there is an All Age Service where older children are invited to share in the leading of worship, by reading the lessons, leading prayers and serving at the altar. The sermon is inclusive and interactive.
‘Friendsday Wednesday’ group We are delighted to be able to offer these sessions for toddlers, crawlers and babies, twice a month, on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays in term time, 10 - 11.30am.
An opportunity for parents to chat and have tea / coffee together whilst their little ones play together, with stories, songs and fun!
For information about our safeguarding policy, click here
For information about baptising your child, please look here at our Baptism page, under Life Events.