Our Christian life is not just sustained by Sunday worship but by regular prayer whether in company or alone. Prayer is our means of communication with God – not just speaking but listening to God’s ‘still small voice’ speaking to us. The church is open every day for individual prayer and reflection. Candles may be lit in the little St Luke’s Chapel, to the left of the altar. The Sacrament is reserved in the space beyond the altar. Access is via the wooden steps through the St Luke’s Chapel.
A Prayer of Thanksgiving
Loving Father, you have made us your people, richly provided us with good gifts and called us to live for you. May gratitude be in our hearts, may generosity be in our hands, may justice and righteousness guide our feet and may the life of your kingdom and the joy of heaven be found among us. Amen.
Prayer Network
Our Prayer Network offers regular and immediate prayer for those in need who have requested this type of support. People on our Prayer List are remembered by name at each Sunday service, as well as in the prayers of our Network members. We are always glad to know how people and situations are progressing and to give thanks when prayers are no longer required. For more information please contact the Parish Office.
Silent Prayer
Join us for about 40 minutes of silent meditation, in church. Silent Prayer takes place on the second Wednesday at 11am. All are welcome.
Morning and Evening Prayer
Daily prayers are said Monday – Friday at 8.30am and 5.30pm. All are welcome to join in. You can also join in virtually, using the Daily Prayer App downloadable from the Church of England website.
Explore Christianity
We hope that those who drop into St Mary’s will be encouraged to explore more about the Christian faith, whether by returning to our church or going along to their local parish church where they life. We are glad to be part of the Explore Project, which is a resource for absolutely anyone who wants to find out more about Christian faith and spirituality. In church you’ll find the Explore Prayer Cards which you can take away with you and use for your personal prayers. You can find out more from their website as well.