Our Charitable Giving
As part of St Mary’s reaching out in service we have an ongoing programme of supporting local and overseas charities. In 2025 we will support:
Learn to Love to Read provides literacy support to pre-schoolers and primary-age children so that lack of reading skills does not handicap the child’s development and lead to social disadvantage in later life. The charity generally partners with primary schools whose catchment areas include a high proportion of Pupil Premium (a grant given by the government to schools in England to decrease the attainment gap for the most disadvantaged children) and/or EAL families (for whom English is an Additional Language), with schools identifying the children who need additional help. It works with Wandsworth schools, teachers and the families they serve. We are continuing our support of this charity for another year. www.learn2love2read.org.uk
Beacon House (part of Evolve Housing & Support) is on our doorstep as it is located in Bina Gardens. It provides somewhere for homeless people to live as well as to gain skills, leading to employment and ultimately thrive independently. The house consists of 16 self-contained flats plus a communal area, garden, and a skills room. It helps 16 single homeless young people from 16 years of age who have medium to high support needs and require access to staff 24 hours a day. Residents are referred by the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea’s Social Inclusion, Independent Support and Children and Families teams. Our support will enable the purchase/upgrade of computers and other office equipment in the skills room to help residents prepare for independent living. We are continuing our support of this charity for another year. www.evolvehousing.org.uk/understand-our-work/supported-housing/young-people/beacon-house/
Earls Court Youth Club (ECYC) works with young people between the ages of 9-19 years and up to the age of 25 years with a disability, to provide a safe and welcoming environment for young people of all abilities and backgrounds to come and enjoy a wide selection of activities aimed at promoting personal, social and educational development. The club’s recent activities have increased substantially and they work with young adults too. The ‘Senior Club’ includes 13-19 year olds and up to 25 for young people with disabilities / special needs. https://www.earlscourtyouthclub.co.uk/
USPG Partners in Mission / Church of North India Anti-Human Trafficking Programme Supporting this programme is enabling our money to meet an identifiable and clear need, that of spreading awareness of human trafficking and showing local people how they can protect themselves from risks. We have chosen a USPG project in North India, having previously focussed our support in Africa. https://www.uspg.org.uk/worldwide/programmes/asia/church-of-north-india/
Through the Roof/ Wheels for the World The Wheels for the World programme restores and distributes refurbished wheelchairs to disabled people in developing countries who can’t afford one. This gives increased independence and demonstrates the love of God in a practical way. They take donated wheelchairs, including old NHS wheelchairs, to our workshop where volunteers use their technical skills to refurbish the chairs. The hub of operations is a warehouse unit in Aldershot where unwanted wheelchairs are received and restored, before being shipped to where they are needed. A team of therapists fit chairs carefully to ensure safety and comfort. https://throughtheroof.org/
St Mary’s Charity Committee’s current Terms of Reference may be found here.
More information can be obtained from the Parish Office.